Monday, March 26, 2007

5 weeks to a social library

I participated in this free course aimed at librarians. The session I helped with is in Week 5 and is called "Library 2.0? No, thank you! Obstacle to Creating a Social Library" with Melissa Prescott and Plamen Miltenoff.

Go to:

Description: "Five Weeks to a Social Library is the first free, grassroots, completely online course devoted to teaching librarians about social software and how to use it in their libraries. It was developed to provide a free, comprehensive, and social online learning opportunity for librarians who do not otherwise have access to conferences or continuing education and who would benefit greatly from learning about social software. The course will be taught using a variety of social software tools so that the participants acquire experience using the tools while they are taking part in the class. It will make use of synchronous online communication, with one or two weekly Webcasts and many small group IM chat sessions made available to participants each week. By the end of the course, each student will develop a proposal for implementing a specific social software tool in their library. "